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2024 – AUGUST News

A Note From Our Principal

Dear Families,

Thank you all for participating in our Kids Helping Communities initiative this summer! We are grateful for the opportunity to watch our students serve others these past few weeks. We are proud to announce that Bethesda Country Day School will be starting the Alex’s Lemonade Fundraising Stands in August. There are still a few weeks left of summer and many fun events are still planned. We’re looking forward to soaking up these moments with our students!


Ms. Mila, Principal

Ms. Brittany, Assistant Principal

Ms. Samantha, Assistant Principal IT

Ms. Ceci, Administrative Assistant

School Hours – 7:00am – 6:00pm

  • 7:00am – 8:30am – Before Care
  • 8:30am – 12:00pm – Half Day
  • 8:30am – 3:00pm – Full Day
  • 3:00pm – 6:00pm – After Care

Holiday Closures

Our school does not follow the MCPS schedule as we are open more days per year. Please see below the days we are closed:

  • Labor Day,  Juneteenth, Veteran’s Day,  Thanksgiving Day,  the day after Thanksgiving,  Christmas Eve,  Christmas Day,  New Year’s Day,  President’s Day,  MLK Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Friday before Summer Camp,  Juneteenth, Independence Day,  Friday before School Year.
  • NOTE: If a holiday falls on a Saturday, BCDS will be closed on Friday, if a holiday falls on a Sunday, BCDS will be closed on Monday. Please check our yearly calendar for more information.
  • Winter Break and Spring Break – School hours may vary – Registration Available for ALL programs.
  • 2023-2024 – BCDS School Year Calendar

Important Dates to Remember

Kids Helping Communities 

Every summer, we participate in our Kids Helping Communities initiative to give back to communities in need. We will be supporting Alex’s Lemonade this summer in the month of August, stay tuned for more information.

Parent Survey Update 

Thank you for your participation in our Parent Survey. We value your feedback as we continuously strive to improve our programs and enhance your child’s educational experience. We will be sharing the ways we’ll be using your feedback in the next few weeks.

Family Referral Bonus & Open House

Do you know a colleague who has recently had a baby, a friend in need of care who just relocated to the area, or a family member who is seeking a new preschool for their child? Invite them to our Open House on Saturday, August 3rd. When you refer a friend and they enroll, you’re eligible for a free week of tuition discount. Ask us for details!  ECE Family Referral Flyer 2023  and ECE Family Referral PRINTABLE Certificates 2023.

Did You Know?

When children retell stories, they grow vocabulary, learn to sequentially describe events, and build the skills needed for fluent reading comprehension.

Summer Program

Registration for our Unforgettable Summer Program is in full swing and spots are closing.  There is nothing that compares to watching your child’s confidence grow and seeing them have fun and make friends. By enrolling, you’re giving them a summer they’ll never forget. Please contact us to learn more.

Illness Policy Reminder

Our parents are vital partners in helping us to maintain a safe and healthy environment for the students in our school. The most important thing you can do to assist us in creating a healthy environment is to keep your child home if they are ill. This reduces the spread of illness and allows your child to fully recuperate. For more information please see our Parent Handbook or reach out to a member of our administrative team.

Don’t Forget to Re-enroll for Next School Year!

Thank you to our families who have already secured their re-enrollment for the upcoming school year. Our classrooms are filling quickly and our teachers have already started to plan exciting new activities for next year. For those who have not yet registered, we urge you to complete the re-enrollment process as soon as possible to guarantee your child’s spot. Please let us know if you have any questions or need a copy of the Letter of Intent form to complete for the 2024/2025 school year. We look forward to another year of growth, learning, and fun together!

Links 2 Home

We know that summer is a busy time for our families. We want to communicate school happenings as clearly as possible to ensure that no one is left out. Daily reports are sent via email each day, but our Links 2 Home app keeps all school communications in one place and is always accessible. The app also allows you to communicate absences to your child’s teacher, leave drop-off notes, and read school notes in detail. We encourage you to visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the app today. You will need to login with the email address you use for ALMA. Please let us know if you have any issues.

If you’re not currently receiving photos and daily reports for your child you can easily change this by downloading the Links 2 Home app on your phone. Just type ‘Links 2 Home’ in the search bar for the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading Links 2 Home you can register with the same email address that you used to enroll your child in our school.

Updating your information in ALMA

Have you changed your email address or phone number? Need to add or remove an emergency contact? You can do this at any time in Alma. If you need help logging in or accessing the system please let us know.

Love our school? Leave us a review

In today’s connected world, many families turn to online reviews to learn more about schools for their children. That is why we are asking you to take a few minutes to visit our school profile on Yelp, Google or GreatSchools to share the wonderful experiences you have had with our school. Thank YOU!

Tuition Information

 If the final date of school attendance occurs in the months of May or June, you will be responsible for paying the entire balance of the annual tuition. After registering for Winter/Spring Breaks and Summer Programs, we require four weeks notice during the school year, and two weeks notice during the summer program to make any changes.

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Blog Article August 2024

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